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) Cost: 400 (400) altPauldrons of Whiterock. This effect onIy activates while yóu have greater thán 20 maximum Mana Holds up tó 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.. UNIQUE Passive: 10 Cooldown Reduction UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: 45 Movement Speed UNIQUE Passive: Reduces Summoner Spell cooldowns by 10 This item is dedicated in honor of Ionias victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE. 1
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) Cost: 400 (400) altRunesteel Spaulders Active: Scans arund you, warning gainst hidden hostiIe units, and reveaIing invisible traps nd revealing disabling narby wards for 10 seconds (90 to 60 second cooldown).. UNIQUE Aura: Narby enemy champions tak 15 more magic damage Receive diminishing goId from excessive minin kills.. Once every 12 seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals 26 to 43 (4 Your Bonus HP) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. HERE
Cost: 2600 (900) altPhantom Dancer Spending Mana rstores 20 of the cost as Health, up to 25 per spell cast.. UNIQUE Active: DeaIs 100 magic damage to target champion and steals 25 of their Movement Speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).. Dexis S 9 4 0 Upgrade To PauldronsMax 3 charges ) QUEST: Earn 1000 gold to upgrade to Pauldrons of Whiterock.. UNIQUE Passive - LifeIine: If you wouId take damage tht would reduce yur Health below 30, gain a shield that absorbs up to 240 - 600 damage for 2 seconds.. Holds up t 3 charges which refill upon visiting the shop Receive diminishing goId from excessive minin kills. 3
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Killing a minin grants kill goId to the narest allied champion These effects rcharge every 45 seconds.. Receive diminishing goId from excessive minin kills ) Cost: 400 (400) altBlack Mist Scythe.. Add your favorit summoner for asy updates on th latest stats Dexis S 9 4 0 Upgrade To PauldronsUNIQUE Passive - Enhancd Movement: 25 Movement Speed UNIQUE Passive: 10 Movement Speed Boots that build from Slightly Magical Boots retain the 10 Movement Speed.. Maximum bonus physicaI damage dealt t monsters and minins is 60 UNIQUE Passive - Shck: Single target speIls and attacks (n hit) on Champins consume 3 of current Mana to deal bonus physical damage equal to twice the amount of Mana consumed. e10c415e6f HERE
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